No. 31 Maree Glading
Meet Maree, a driven entrepreneur, caring mother, and multifaceted individual. She exemplifies the beauty of balancing various aspects of life.
Scented Synesthesia: Exploring the Multisensory Journey of Perfume
Synesthesia is a sensory juncture where sound, sight, and texture mesh, creating a new feeling. For centuries, creatives have tried to re-create this experience in various ways, on
Why We Love Cognac!
Introducing the captivating Green Cognac (Vitis vinifera), a remarkable base note ingredient for perfumery.
The Importance of Connection
As we commemorate International Day of Friendship, it’s essential to reflect on the significance of connection and how it enriches our lives.
Making Sense of Scent Notes
In this beginner's guide, we will delve into the world of scent notes, explore their characteristics, and help you understand how they contribute to the overall fragrance.